Tuesday, May 21, 2024


    Here's something different from me. 

    I have had the "Burn After Writing" book sitting on my bookshelf for a couple of years now, and haven't done anything with it. So here I am. Doing something in front of everyone. 

    My earliest memory:

Probably my parents fighting. 

    As a child, I dreamed of becoming:

Famous LOL

    When I look into the past, the thing I miss most is:

Not being scared. Being able to stay outside all night with my friends doing whatever we wanted.

    My childhood described in one word:


    Posters I had on my wall growing up:

One Direction, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, really anything I could tear out of a magazine.

    The single most profound act of kindness that I will never forget:

Is it bad that I can't think of one?

    People in history I admire:

Mary Queen of Scots, Edgar Allen Poe, Martin Luther King Jr., among many others.


    A first is like an earthquake of the soul. Unforgettable, unsustainable, and radically destructive. But out of the wreckage of our clumsy and passionate firsts comes a fabulously interesting and resilient adult individual. Our tragedy is that we always hope that the first time will last forever. 

First friend: Joey, my dads friends son. 

First love: Robert, a boy from my childhood neighborhood whom I reconnected with in High School. 

First record/CD bought: Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Lullaby (expanded edition)

First foreign holiday: I've never left the country. 

First job: Publix

First car:  Hyundai Santa Fe

First concert: Journey

First school: United Methodist

First kiss: Jacob, 7th grade

First teacher: Mrs. Josie Kindergarten

First alcoholic drink: Gin

When was the last time you did something for the first time? 

Probably this past weekend. I had my first work party. 

    These were the first 5 pages of "Burn After Writing." I hope you all enjoyed. 


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cool Kids- Echosmith 9/23/14

So.. the thing with me and Ryan didn't work out. But a guy I was friends with (Vincent) asked me to homecoming c: and now we're dating. And yea he makes me really happy. Which is a good..but strange feeling. Guess I'm not really used to things working in my favor.

On that note, I finally found a dress for homecoming. And I'm a little excited. Or very excited. Idk.

*my dress*

But what I do know is that Vincent makes me really, really happy. And it's the little things that matter the most. I guess..idk. I just like the feeling of being happy, and knowing that I'm not alone. 

i know this one isn't very long but there will be more to come. I downloaded the Blogger app on my phone so I can work on my writing without having to be on my laptop. 

Bye lovelies
~Invisible Girl

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I'm A Distaster- Ghost Town 9/7/14

    Wow. Okay. So, its been a while since I've written anything in here. But, I have been writing so I guess thats good. Actually, I've been writing a lot of poetry. And I think that I want to start posting it here. If you guys don't mind of course.

    Nothing new has really happened. I met a guy, Quinn, and we had sex, then he stopped talking to me so that kinda sucked. But I'm over that now. And I'm kinda with a new guy. His name is Ryan and he lives in Oklahoma. He's a really good guy and I trust him a lot. The issue is..he's 19. And I'm just about to be 16 in a little over a month. I talked to my mom about him and she said she had a little problem with it but she's ok with me being with him. But I think she is mainly because he's going into the Military. He want's to be and EOD. THE most dangerous job (of course). But it's his choice. He said that he might try and come to Florida for my birthday (which just so happens to be when Michael will be here). So thats good, hopefully we're still together.

    Honestly, I'm not really sure what else to talk about. I just started my Sophomore year at FPC and thats fun I guess. But uhm.. thats basically it I guess.

    I will be posting some poetry along with these posts and I'll try to get back to updating daily/weekly.

Bye Lovelys
~Invisible Girl

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Good Girl- Lily Kershaw 3/13/14

  I've been going through a lot the last few months. I'm not sure what wrong with me. I mean. One minute I'm happy and smiling, and the next it's like I'm a completely different person. Like I was never there. I think the depression is getting to me. I need to find a way out. A way to be less of who I am right now. I feel like I hurt the people I care about and I don't want to be that person. But, I also don't want to be the shy girl that i used to be. I really don't want to be her anymore. She was naive and stupid and too.. whats the word.. good all the time. I don't know. Maybe it's all in my head and I'm "looking for excuses". Maybe I am. I don't know anymore. But I could really use someone to talk too.. hint, hint. No? Ok. I gotta go guys. Bye.

~Invisible Girl

Monday, February 24, 2014

Its Been A While- Staind 2/24/14

  GUYS!!! I've been gone for forever!!! Not a lot has happened the last month or so, but I am better. However, theres something I want to get out. I have been trying really hard to stop cutting. And the emails I've been getting from you guys help keep me strong. This is basically a 'Thank You' note to all you guys. I love you!! :* I'm not sure if the blogger will put up my email but if I put it on, I want you guys to email me. It can be about ANYTHING! Just send it in. Whether you need advice on something, or just someone to listen. I'm here. Just email me :)

its sandlinkat@gmail.com

so yea. here ya go. E-mail me c:

~Invisible Girl

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Skinny Love- Birdy 1/19/14

  Guys, I don't even know even more. I'm losing the people I care about most. I don't know what to do to get them back. I mean.. a guy I was in love with doesn't hardly talk to me. Meghan treats me like shit half the time. Alex barely talks to me anymore. i just... i dont know what to do. sorry this one is so short. more next time i guess.

~Invisible Girl

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Not Sure What To Do 12/26/13

  So, I've been debating showing my mom this blog. I mean, it would make things easier if she knew all this. But, I also don't know how she would react to it all. To me sharing all of this personal stuff with people. To me not actually telling her about all of this stuff in my life. She doesn't know about me and the senior Michael. Or about how i feel like talking, or writing about what happened when I was younger. I'm just unsure of what to do about this.

sorry i just needed to get that out.

~Invisible Girl